Focus on Trauma Research in u-topics magazine

The focus of the new edition of the university magazine u-topics is trauma research at Ulm University. The MTW is not missing: the article reports on the current status of the emerging research building – including a video that provides an exclusive insight into the construction site from the inside.

New High-Security Laboratory for Ulm University

The virological research at the University Medical Center in Ulm is expanding with the construction of a high-security Level 3 containment laboratory (S3-Lab) as a container solution on the campus. This lab will primarily focus on researching SARS-CoV-2, but will also study other pathogens such as influenza and HIV viruses. The total construction cost, including […]

Kick-off for the National Center for Tumor Diseases SouthWest

On World Cancer Day, February 4th 2023, a significant milestone was achieved as the establishment of the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) at the SouthWest location was confirmed. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) announced the decision during an event for the National Decade against Cancer. The University Hospital Tübingen, along with […]

Confirmed: Tübingen, Stuttgart and Ulm as joint location of the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT)

The oncological excellence centers in Tübingen-Stuttgart (CCC-TS) and Ulm (CCCU) have been confirmed as the joint location „NCT-SüdWest“ for the expanded National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT). The expanded NCT, comprising six locations, will receive annual funding of 98 million euros, making it the largest financial network support for national cancer research in the history […]

University Hospital and Bundeswehr Hospital Ulm celebrate cooperation agreement

The Bundeswehr Hospital and the University Medical Center Ulm have signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen their collaboration and strategic development. The aim is to enhance medical care and better respond to emergencies, such as during a NATO alliance commitment or terror attacks. The cooperation will ensure a more stable medical response in critical situations. […]

Special Research Area for Trauma Medicine is extended for the second time by the DFG

The Special Research Area for Trauma Medicine at Ulm University Medical Center has been extended for the second time by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In the third funding phase, the CRC 1149 „Danger Response, Disturbance Factors, and Regenerative Potential after Acute Trauma“ will receive over 11 million euros. The research aims to improve the […]

Foundation stone for the future of trauma research in Ulm

On the occasion of World Cancer Day on February 4th, the foundation stone for the future of trauma research in Ulm has been laid. The new building, Multidimensional Trauma Sciences (MTW), will provide optimal conditions for internationally renowned researchers to study complex injuries and develop new therapeutic approaches. Trauma research in Ulm involves interdisciplinary cooperation […]