Military Medicine / ABC

Acute and long-term effects of physical injury as well as nuclear, biological and chemical (ABC) warfare agents in military conflicts, from asymmetrical threats (terrorism) and catastrophic events pose severe threats to human health, making in-depth studies of effective molecular and cellular defence strategies crucial for military and civilian stakeholders.

Collaborative studies of Ulm University, the Ulm Bundeswehr Hospital (BWK Ulm) and the Bundeswehr Medical Academy (SanAkBw) Munich aim to advance our understanding, improve preparedness and form a basis for the development of possible countermeasures against these deadly threats. Through comprehensive research, we want to identify the properties and mechanisms of physical injury and ABC warfare agents with a special focus on traumatology (bone injury and repair) and acute and chronic lung injury (diffuse alveolar damage and lung fibrosis), aiding in the creation of protective equipment, standard operating procedures (SOPs), antidotes and treatment options.

Our research activities should improve knowledge of military and civil emergency responders to safeguard against potential threats in military conflicts, asymmetrical threats (terrorism) and catastrophic events. Such endeavors reinforce our global commitment to security and safeguarding human lives.


Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Ulm

Oberer Eselsberg 40
89081 Ulm

Telefon: 0731 17100

Sanitätsakademie der Bundeswehr

Neuherbergstraße 11
80937 München

Telefon: 030 20040


Prof. Dr. Dr. Konrad Steinestel

Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Ulm
Abt. XIII – Pathologie und Molekularpathologie
Klin. Direktor | Koordinator Forschung BwKrhs Ulm
Sprecher der AG Lungenpathologie der DGP

Publication: Clinical, Imaging, and Histopathological Features of Pulmonary Sequelae Following Mild COVID-19